Harassment Policy

Harassment is a form of discrimination prohibited by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and by human rights legislation in every province and territory of Canada. In its more extreme forms, harassment, in particular, sexual harassment, can be an offence under Canada’s Criminal Code. Harassment refers to conduct which the perpetrator knew or ought reasonably to have known would be unwelcome. Harassment can take many forms but generally involves conduct, comment, or display that is insulting, demeaning, intimidating, humiliating, hurtful, belittling, malicious, degrading, or otherwise causes offence, discomfort, or personal humiliation or embarrassment to a person or group of persons.

Muslim Outdoor Adventures is committed to providing activities free of harassment of any sorts. While we aim to get more Muslims involved in outdoor activities, we do not restrict participation in our events based on religion or religiosity level of attendees. While participating in Club activities and/or representing the Club, all Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with civility and free of actions, statements, and displays that could be construed as harassing or as harassment.

This policy applies to all executives, volunteer leaders, members and guests of the Club.

Actions and Recourse:

Should a member witness harassment, they should raise the concern as respectfully and privately as possible with the harasser. Let them know the behaviour is unwelcome, offensive and contrary to the Muslim Outdoor Adventures’ policy. If this effort at intervention is unsuccessful, seek assistance from the trip leader with the understanding that the trip leader may not be equipped to deal with the harassment. In the event that intervention is unsuccessful, report the incident to the groups Moderator or Admin.