Creating an event on Luma

Steps to Create an Event on Luma

Step 1: Go to the Luma Calendar

Go to our main Luma calendar: Luma Calendar

Step 2: Subscribe to the Calendar

Make sure you’re subscribed to the calendar: Subscribe to Calendar

Step 3: Submit an Event

Click on “Submit Event”: Submit Event

Step 4: Create a New Event

Select ‘Create new Event’

Step 5: Fill in the Form

Fill in the form and submit

Step 6: Add a Host

On the Event manage page, add ‘’ as one of the Hosts: Add Host

Step 7: Approval and Transfer

One of the calendar managers will approve your event if you followed all the steps and are registered to create events.

They’ll also make the following changes

  • Move from Personal Calendar to MOA Calendar
  • Set optional donation for ticket (if there is no charge by venue). This helps us to sustain the costs of running MOA
  • Make a post on Whatsapp and Insta